[TR] VTR 2007 awards - where on VTR's website?? AND VTR awards

spamiam at comcast.net spamiam at comcast.net
Tue Jul 24 13:53:49 MDT 2007

>Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 11:52:59 -0400
>From: Ted <triumph66 at gmail.com>
>Subject: [TR] VTR 2007 awards - where on VTR's website??
>To: "Triumph Sports car discussion" <triumphs at autox.team.net>
 <a11dceec0707240852s7ff7b72dk6711d626317d5a8f at mail.gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Where did they post the different winners @ VTR in Valley Forge??

Ted,  The results are not posted yet.  But they will be.  Most likely they will also be available at the VTR2007.com website too.

I think that the judges and other volunteers are still recovering!  

Right now, personally, I am working on re-uniting the leftover awards with their rightful owners.  I have heard that a couple of people did not get their rightful award because it was not MADE.  

Darrell Floyd and I tried to economize in award production this year.  It was decided that there would be a "standard" VTR award format so that unused elements from one year could be reused the next year.  Therefore we did not assemble every concievable award ahead of time.  As a matter of fact, there was limited room for spur-of -the-moment extra awards to be assembled at the last second, as well as room for splitting of classes on the day of the show.

This added a considerable level of complexity as well as economy.  This resulted in some confusion on the part of the people pulling the awards for the recipeints from  the awards table.  A few mixups occurred and I am straightening them out now.  

The VTR plan on a "standard" VTR style of award seems pretty good.  There is an 8x10 rosewood plaque that serves as the "easel" for the award.  It can be aligned either "landscape" or "portrait" as decided by the host club.  The VTR will supply a round embossed metal VTR logo seal, as well as the event/class plates which are about 4" x 1.5".

The host club will add a third element of their own design to make each year's awards unique.  They will assemble the awards as well.  Most likely they will add some event/class plates during the convention as participation determines the specific needs.  Also, some awards will probably be assembled from the raw materials during the convention as the total number of awards needed becomes clearer.

This year I had around 82 complete awards, 60 awards complete except for the event/class plate, and about 22 were assembled from parts during the convention.  As far as I can tell, we had no wastage, except for the special tiles that were commissioned for the awards.  We had 190 of them ready to go.  I may have to make a few more after the dust settles regarding the leftover awards, and the people who did not get their awards at the banquet.

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