[TR] test

Bob Danielson 75TR6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Thu Jul 12 18:19:44 MDT 2007

Oh yea..... Hitting Reply now is the same as the old Reply All. Somebody
will say something really embarrassing real soon I bet!

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 CF38503U
Running w/ Throttle Body Injection

-----Original Message-----
From: triumphs-bounces+75tr6=tr6.danielsonfamily.org at autox.team.net
[mailto:triumphs-bounces+75tr6=tr6.danielsonfamily.org at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Randall
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:15 PM
To: 'Triumph Sports car discussion'
Subject: Re: [TR] test

> Yeah, me too.  But why does every note now come in with the receiver's 
> name and a line stuck to the bottom?

I would guess that's the default for the new list software.  Was a note from
MJB saying Triumphs is on a temporary list/server while he figures out
what's wrong; so perhaps he will change the trailer after we move to the
final setup ... but for now, I'd suggest just being happy it works.

You may notice another change : hitting "reply" no longer sends a private
reply.  I'll bet *that* gets fixed quickly !

75tr6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org

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