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<font face="Arial"><font face="Arial">W</font>hether a Tiger was
designated a 1967 or 1966 model was a decis<font face="Arial">ion
usually left up to<br>
<font face="Arial">the DMV in the state where the car was sold.
My Tiger, for example, which I bought on<br>
<font face="Arial">October 15, 1966 <font face="Arial">in NY
state, was registered as a 67. Its seri<font face="Arial">al
no. is B382002384LRXFE.<br>
<font face="Arial">Its birthday, IIRC, was actually
August 29, 1966 according to the info f<font
face="Arial">rom Norm.</font></font><br>
<font face="Arial">I have seen <font face="Arial">other
Tigers<font face="Arial"> with later serial numbers
which are registered as 66's, so there<br>
<font face="Arial">is little rhyme nor reason. <br>
<font face="Arial">As others have noted, MkIA
manufacture ended in late 1966. Interestingly,
fro<font face="Arial">m what<br>
<font face="Arial">I have seen, MkII cars w<font
face="Arial">ere being produced before
MkIA production ceased, so there<br>
<font face="Arial">was some overlap. To
my knowledge (and I am not inf<font
face="Arial">allib<font face="Arial">le,
as my wife ofte<font face="Arial">n
points out)<br>
<font face="Arial">all of the
MkII's that came to the states
we<font face="Arial">re
registered as 67's, even
though a few of<br>
<font face="Arial">them may
have been produced in
<font face="Arial">Tod
<font face="Arial">B382002384LRXFE<br>
<font face="Arial">TAC