I have had the same issue with the vapor recovory nozle, for me it trquired 2 hands to put gas in. One to hold nozle in place, and the other to pull back on the vapor recovory sleeve. Then slowly put gas in, often in spurts. Cannot just put nozzle in and pull lever, I cannot even get the vapor recover sleeve to allow gas to flow without second hand to pull back the sleeve. Luckily the gas capacity is small. I have thought about filling 5 gallon cans and then filling car at home.<br>
Randy.<div id='MAILCIAMA048-5c3b49b9383e3d3' class='aol_ad_footer'><br/><font style="color:black;font:normal 10pt arial,san-serif;"> <hr style="margin-top:10px"/><b>A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. <a href="http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1219671244x1201345076/aol?redir=http:%2F%2Fwww.freecreditreport.com%2Fpm%2Fdefault.aspx%3Fsc%3D668072%26hmpgID%3D62%26bcd%3DfebemailfooterNO62"> See yours in just 2 easy steps!</a></b></font> </div>