[Tigers] Update on Heater Core and Wiper Issues

Ken Tisdale ktisdale at ix.netcom.com
Mon Mar 3 14:37:48 MST 2025

I love spending time with old school craftspeople and fixers. Always a 
great way to learn stuff...


On 3/3/2025 10:53 AM, Joe Brown wrote:
> 1. Wiper would occasionally turn on by itself or not turn off after 
> being turned on.  This was only happening during the one rainy day I 
> had it out.  I have not been able to reproduce the problem in my 
> garage.  I took the switch apart and cleaned the internals with 
> Deoxit.  I also cleaned all of the connections.  I then dropped the 
> wiper motor and opened up the gearbox and found some grease on the 
> stop switch contact.  I cleaned all of that up and put it back 
> together.  D###it, I got the stop switch thing 180 degrees out of 
> position and the wipers are trying to part on the wrong side.  Took it 
> apart again and fixed that.
> So now I'll wait and see if the problem ever comes back.  I hate 
> intermittent problems.
> While I was troubleshooting the wiper issue I thought I would check 
> into some other issues I was having under the dash.  I don't fit under 
> the dash very well so I took out the radio, the seats and the 
> shifter.  My dash lights weren't working, so I dug around until I 
> found a wire disconnected.  I also found that one of the lights wasn't 
> even plugged into the back of a gauge.  Then I noticed that I must 
> have ripped out a wire for the cigar lighter when I was taking out the 
> radio. Fixed that.  One thing after another.
> 2.  Heater core leak.  I live near a small town and had to search 
> around to find somebody that works on radiators.  After trying a 
> couple of places I was directed to an old guy about 30 miles away that 
> still does this kind of work.  He's an interesting old guy that likes 
> to talk.  I must have been there an hour when I was dropping off the 
> core.  I told him I could buy a new one for about $200 and he started 
> talking about how my old one was constructed and how he didn't think 
> anybody could build something like today for only $200. Anyway,  he 
> just called and told me to come pick it up.
> Have Fun,
> Joe Brown
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Ken Tisdale 303-807-5488
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