[Tigers] Subject: Part Required for my Tiger

Dave Munroe dave at munroe.ca
Fri Oct 25 11:32:32 MDT 2024

[image: My 1965 Tiger.jpg]
Hello fellow Tiger owners!

As part of my most recent trip to my favourite local shop I had my Tiger
gone over by my favourite local mechanic .He discovered a damaged rear
Differential Pinion seal, and needs the part number so he can order a new
one and install it.

I live in Waverley, Nova Scotia, Canada, and as you may guess there is no
local shop that carries this part or its part number in this area. So, I am
writing to see if any of you good folk might have access to such  a part,
or part number, or know who or where to write so that I might buy one and
make my otherwise great Tiger whole again.

I can be reached at *1-902-448-2250* (Mobile phone)
                           or: *1- 902-860-3187* (Residence)

Mailing Address:

*1790 Waverley Road, Waverley, Nova Scotia*

Thanks for your attention, and any help you can provide to get my hands on
this part I acquire.
*Dave Munroe*
*Waverley, Nova Scotia*
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