[Tigers] exchange door locking devices

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Wed Oct 23 11:55:26 MDT 2024

On my Tiger, the ignition keys works the door locks – the trunk key works the center consul.


Alpine Parts List – Section YX

Door locks

Keys – ST 801-920

Keys – RM 801-920



Keys – FS 876-955             Rectangular head

Keys – FS 876-955             Round head


If your keys work one way or another it seems to me you in good shape.


If you need original, then check TBON or the Rootes Archive for the correct key code info.


It has been a long time since I worked on any of the locks but is seems to me each lock cylinder has the key code stamped into it.   That is your start point to proceed with any change needed to make locks and keys work your way.


Ron Fraser



From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of James Armstrong via Tigers
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 12:02 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] exchange door locking devices




In the 48 years I've owned my Mk 1A, I don't think I ever locked the doors !

But during the united 41 Concours, my doorhandles were found to be

1) upside down (car was repainted years ago)

2) the locking mechanisms were nonfunctional. the driver's side just spun and passenger 

side jammed the key


So, since they were going to come off the car and the chrome has some pimples on it,

 I bought a new set from Sunbeam Specialties.


I tried to find Tom Ehrhart's number to ask for a recommendation for fixing the tumblers 

and installing them in the new handles, but I've lost his contact information.


Can anyone recommend a topnotch Sunbeam lock and key person? I want to maintain

the original tumblers as I've got both sets of original keys. Tumbler code is FS 901.


Jim Armstrong

Mk 1A

382002083 LRXFE

Code 86

TAC # 0763

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