[Tigers] 1967 Mk II Tiger

Tom Parker tkparker1941 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 10:29:21 MDT 2024

Hi all, I am sending this out to the list to share that my dad, list member
Tom Parker, passed away earlier this year.

Now, his '67 red Mk II Tiger is just sitting in his garage.

Can anyone recommend an appropro site for selling it?

I am monitoring this e-mail account so I will keep a look out for replies.

Thanks in advance. He really loved being part of your community.

-Bill Parker

On Wed, Oct 23, 2024, 11:31 Gary Winblad <winbladgary at gmail.com> wrote:

> John,
> Mine is a 1964 also, bought it in 1971.  It came with the original keys
> with their codes marked.
> The original owners manual clearly states one key for ignition and doors
> and the other for trunk and console.
> From the BON, Chris's car should have ignition key RM872 and trunk key
> FS926 if he wants to go original and
> has that great locksmith.  If you google these key numbers I think you can
> find the picture showing the different
> shape of the two keys and can even order by code number (if you are lucky
> and they still have some of that key).
> Here is one place you can order keys with the key code:
> https://www.replacementkeys.co.uk
> This wouldn't work for John or Chris since their locks seem to be the
> problem, not  the
> key.
> Gary
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