[Tigers] exchange door locking devices

Chris Thompson chris at cthompson.net
Tue Oct 22 20:09:06 MDT 2024

Thanks, Gary.  Can you explain why my keys are so different for ignition 
vs doors and this can't work for me?

Regards, Chris

On 10/22/2024 3:45 PM, Gary Winblad wrote:
> Wrong.
> Ignition key should unlock the doors.
> Trunk key unlocks the console.
> Gary
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 22, 2024, at 11:08 AM, Chris Thompson via Tigers 
>> <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> That's funny.  When I showed my car for the first time in Staunton, I 
>> found out the same thing.  I didn't have a trunk key, either.  
>> According to Curt, the ignition key should open the trunk, and the 
>> console key should open the doors.  Well, the ignition key is a lot 
>> different.  Just 2 days ago, I pulled the door handles and the trunk 
>> lock and took them to my friendly local locksmith who re keyed them 
>> to the console key.  $30 apiece.  He even had a chart that showed 
>> what the keys for the Tiger look like, and a code for him to order 
>> replacements.
>> Chris
>> B382000331
>> On 10/22/2024 12:02 PM, James Armstrong via Tigers wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In the 48 years I've owned my Mk 1A, I don't think I ever locked the 
>>> doors !
>>> But during the united 41 Concours, my doorhandles were found to be
>>> 1) upside down (car was repainted years ago)
>>> 2) the locking mechanisms were nonfunctional. the driver's side just 
>>> spun and passenger
>>> side jammed the key
>>> So, since they were going to come off the car and the chrome has 
>>> some pimples on it,
>>>  I bought a new set from Sunbeam Specialties.
>>> I tried to find Tom Ehrhart's number to ask for a recommendation for 
>>> fixing the tumblers
>>> and installing them in the new handles, but I've lost his contact 
>>> information.
>>> Can anyone recommend a topnotch Sunbeam lock and key person? I want 
>>> to maintain
>>> the original tumblers as I've got both sets of original keys. 
>>> Tumbler code is FS 901.
>>> Jim Armstrong
>>> Mk 1A
>>> 382002083 LRXFE
>>> Code 86
>>> TAC # 0763
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