[Tigers] Fire !!!

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Wed May 31 19:41:22 MDT 2023

Have you looked into the new ELEMENT fire extinguishers? I hear really good
things about them, from their very low weight, to their longevity and their
effectiveness at putting out fires without wrecking everything after.

Would be worth investigating, I will be when mine current extinguisher goes
out of date.

On Thu, 1 Jun 2023 at 08:24, JAMES ARMSTRONG via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a Halon extinguisher bottle that is absolutely ancient and I don't
> trust it.  In looking to find the new Halon replacement material bottles, I
> find myself at a loss and confused.
> Summit and JEGS have extinguishers, but I can't find a new Halon-like
> material from the items they carry. I figure I'd like a 1 kilo or two pound
> size.Anybody gone down this path recently ? Can you tell me a source and
> what you came up with?
> Maybe someone other that Summit or JEGS ???
> Help please !?Jim Armstrong
> Mk 1A  382002083
>  LRXFE  Code 86
> Sent from my iPhone
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Michael King
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