[Tigers] Tiger shocks

Lionel Bohrer lcbohrer at comcast.net
Thu May 25 19:53:12 MDT 2023

The Spax catalog in the classic section shows a listing for the Sunbeam Tiger 64-68, in the $150 range per shock front and rear.  They appear to be single adjustable so rebound and compression change together.

I got Spax shocks for my car back in the 60’s.  Replaced a set of Koni shocks.  Didn’t like the damping characteristics quite as well, but the ability to adjust on the car was revolutionary.  Soften up, drive to an autocross or cross country, get to the event, turn them up and compete, post event set down for the street and drive home.  Many competition cars weren’t trailered in those years.  A great ability to accommodate street comfort and autocross performance.  Or to adjust to your individual preferences.  My set are still on the car, which exited regular competition in the late 90’s, but my two SCCA autocross national championships in 1974 and 1975 were with the Spax shocks.  Would be worth exploring if you need shocks.  They also might custom make a set of double adjustable shocks if you were interested.

Bud Bohrer

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