[Tigers] Non Tiger- Poor assumption

M Lafayette coolvt at aol.com
Mon Jun 5 19:52:27 MDT 2023

If you do  maintenance or repairs on your car there might be a lesson here on making assumptions.A few years back I was leaving a car show after being a spectator. When walking to my car I noticed a guy on the edge of the flea market struggling with one of those collapsible type canopy structures.  This is the type that you've seen dozens of times. Metal frame that collapses or expands and then is covered with a vinyl type material to form a tent like device of 8, 10 or 12 sq.ft.  
I could see he was in trouble so I offered to help. I explained that I had one almost exactly like his and should be no trouble for us. Since I was the supposed tent expert he listened to my instructions as i told him to pull here or push there. We struggled for 8 or 10 minutes, seemed to make progress and then  were noticeably farther behind.  I finally told him.  "This is very strange.  I've put one of these up many, many times  and never had this much trouble."    His answer, "Put it up,  I'm trying to take it down!"
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