[Tigers] Faded red generator light

Douglas Lyle douglasalyle at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 17 08:40:24 MST 2023

 James, you can take the little chrome piece off and spin the red part 180 and it will look brand new.   I did a lot of these for Paul Reisentz.   While it's apart clean the chrome with some 0000 or chrome polish.  

Doug Lyle

    On Friday, February 17, 2023 at 07:11:48 AM PST, JAMES ARMSTRONG via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:  
 Hello all,
My career was almost solely in the A/V industry. In the early days, I worked for a company called Advent that used a substance called bulb dye to color and seal its tweeter domes. I was wondering if anybody tried bulb dye on their red generator/alternator light. Its position means that if the car is been in the sun, it gets faded pretty quickly. Any end all other solutions would be appreciated. And I can’t seem to figure out a good source for bulb dye. As red generator/alternator plastic lenses are uncommon, I don’t want to screw this up.
Jim Armstrong
Mark 1A

Sent from my iPhone

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