[Tigers] Tiger II grill

Jim D'Amelio jimdamelio at verizon.net
Fri Aug 11 20:53:56 MDT 2023

I think that is a bit of wishful thinking. I purchased the last five MKII grills Chrysler had in their warehouse in 1978 for $45 each.  Took them to TE/AE United II in Williamsburg VA. Sold three of them for $75 ea.  Few years later sold one for $400.  Finally let the last one go for $1400.  Who knows, he might get what he's asking, but I doubt it. Now maybe if he threw in a NOS upper finisher, wheel well trims, rocker mouldings and headlight rims he might get that much.Jim DSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Owain Lloyd via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> Date: 8/11/23  10:27 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: tigers at autox.team.net Subject: [Tigers] Tiger II grill You may have noticed it on eBay.  20k buy it now.  Incredible story - bought new as a spare in 1968.  And even more incredible is the seller’s mk2 tiger hasn’t been driven since 1989!  Is the seller anyone on this list?What a fantastic story!The grill is probably worth more than my tiger :)
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