[Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 15, Issue 328

GARY WINBLAD garywinblad at comcast.net
Sun Oct 9 20:05:10 MDT 2022

Those MK1a and MK2 valves are pretty bad.  The repros even worse.
The late Paul Reisentz told me he told his customers (that just had to have that valve)
to never actually use it.. it will break.
Fortunately I only have MK1's.

>     On 10/09/2022 4:53 PM Joel Martin via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
>     I am on my third one and this one leaks as well.  I have had to plug both hoses going into the heater valve so no more leaks, looks correct but does nothing.
>     Good thing I live in the South.  I turned off the fresh air vents, window open, 45 degrees, nice drive to play golf about 30 miles away.
>     A good recommendation on one that is correct that would hold up would be appreciated.
>     Joel Martin
>     On Sunday, October 9, 2022, 01:40:13 PM EDT, <tigers-request at autox.team.net> wrote:
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>     Today's Topics:
>       1. heater valve another 1 bits the dust (Ron Fraser)
>     Well, I never expected the heater valve to leak like this.
>     I had one of these valves leak and someone explained that these heater valve needed to be place in a center position so the diaphragm did not rupture, which I did park it in a center position.
>     Never saw one blow out like this.
>     Good thing I had some hose shut off clamps and the engine temp stayed normal.
>     I was 40 miles from home; at least it did not happen in the 30 miles of construction zone.
>     Ron Fraser
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