[Tigers] Heater control valve

michael king michael.s.king at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 19:32:30 MDT 2022

The Tiger heater core is a known weak point, the sides of the core balloon
and stick it in the recess.. and they will also crack and leak. The later
style smiths heater valve as used on MKIA and MKII also seems a weaker
design than the earlier style MKI valve.

The repro MKIA/II style valves (MGC) had several faulty batches and they
tended to fail.

A big consideration is the original heater cores came from the alpine..
they were designed for a 7-9lbs pressure, same with the valve... the tiger
system upped the psi and stresses the valves and core.

I would recommend getting a new heater core out of the UK as they are rated
to higher psi.. also add cable ties around the circumference of them to
help brace the ends to the core.

just my .02

On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 08:58, Theo Smit via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>

> The main worry, as regards cooling system pressure, is the end tanks on
> the heater core. Your radiator will be more than happy at anything the rest
> of the system can handle.
> Griffin recommends a 16 to 18 pound cap maximum.
> Cheers,
> Theo
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"tigers" <tigers at autox.team.net>
> *To: *"tigers" <tigers at autox.team.net>
> *Sent: *Monday, March 28, 2022 6:17:10 PM
> *Subject: *[Tigers] Heater control valve
> Hello All
> With a aluminum radiator, what should the pounds of the cap should be on
> the overflow tank?  I have had a 13 pound cap on the overflow tank and have
> gone through 3  heater control values in 5700 miles and they all leak.
> So now I am thinking about a 90 degrees manual valve with a very short
> handle that would fit in the stock location as the heater control valve
> utilizing the bracket of the heater control valve that  would allow me to
> bleed all air from the motor at the highest point, which I believe is the
> heater core,. The idea is try and and retain as close to possible the stock
> correct look, be able to bleed any air when refilling the radiator and have
> the ability to manually turn on the heater once to twice a year as I live
> in a very moderate environment and drive the car year round.
> Any ideas as to a part number or manufacture that would meet these
> requirements or any other ideas?
> Thanks
> Joel Martin
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Michael King
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