[Tigers] Evans Waterless Cooling

Buck Trippel bucktrippel at verizon.net
Sat Jul 2 07:59:52 MDT 2022

In August of the hot summer of 2019 (aren’t they all hot now?) I put Evans in a Tiger which has an excellent two row aluminum radiator in front of a rather stock 289. My wife and I put the Tiger through an almost 5-thousand mile road test by driving from Los Angeles to La Crosse via I80/I90 to attend the TEAE United and then Route 66 on the way home. Temperatures were frequently at 100 degrees. So it got quite a test.


The Evans did not boil but with hot outside air temperatures its inferior specific heat (to water) could not remove adequately remove the engine heat. 


The carb got so hot the fuel percolated (boiled) inside the bowls and the engine stalled lean. This weakness was exacerbated at altitudes above 4-thousand feet. In Pueblo, with OATs near 100 I ended up on the same AAA tow truck twice on the same day. I then gave up and reluctantly drained maybe half of the the costly coolant out, replacing it with plain water so I could get home. However the percolation reoccurred crossing the Mojave in the 115 degree August temps. At home I replaced the Evans with water, adding Water Wetter for corrosion protection. 


I don’t have the numbers off the top of my head but the specific heat (or ability to transfer heat) of water is 1.00 while Evans is something like .65 or only 2/3 that of water. For me, Evans just did not do the job. From my experience I’d say one would have to be exceptionally brave to use it, especially with a stock radiator system or with a more powerful engine which will place even more demand on the Tiger’s weak cooling system. (BTW in the Tiger we drove on that trip, we had removed the stock block under the carb that hot radiator fluid passes through which probably have made even more of a problem.)


Buck Trippel

Ps I wrote up some of this years ago and I believe it contained a more detailed account of Evans heating issues on the trip – I think it was published in both the TEAE and CAT newletters.



From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Dr. T. Y. McDowell
Sent: Saturday, July 2, 2022 5:06 AM
To: Tiger's List <tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] Evans Waterless Cooling


Is anyone out there in Tigerland using Evans Waterless Coolant? 

It has a boiling point of 375 (F).  I'd like to hear from anyone who's using it as I'm considering it. 


Thanks in advance, 


Tym McDowell 

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