[Tigers] Type of black paint for spare hole down bolt and washer

Jay jay.laifman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 14:43:45 MST 2022

I would say “gloss” is relative.  I don’t think they were satin.  I kind of think of all the paints on the Sunbeams as being a bit off “gloss.”  Kind of like they were painted on a foggy day.  Oh, wait …

Now don’t get me wrong.  They’ve been able to make things super glossy for a long time.  I just don’t think that the Sunbeams tended to be that way, and the odd bits of black here and there were even less.  And surfaces were not necessarily glass smooth, which also made for the paint to not have a high gloss look.

But I must admit I didn’t buy my Sunbeam new.  It was 8 years old when we got it.  So lots of time to deteriorate.  But still, the stuff in the trunk, without sun, in Southern California, were probably pretty close.

> On Jan 17, 2022, at 1:27 PM, JAMES ARMSTRONG via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Jim D,
> Thanks for your answer. I tried gloss but it looks a little flash to me. I’ll proceed and hope for the best. By the way, I have access to a TBON and I see that he says it’s supposed to be black. But since I don’t want to bother doing it again I thought I’d ask online. You were very kind to answer.
> If anybody knows what they looked like originally, I be much obliged to hear from you.
> Jim Armstrong.   Rollright at aol.com
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 17, 2022, at 3:26 PM, jimdamelio <jimdamelio at verizon.net> wrote:
>> The BON states they were painted black. It does not break it down any further.  I used gloss on mine, but I used gloss on most everything.
>> Jim D
>> Sent from my Galaxy
>> -------- Original message --------
>> From: JAMES ARMSTRONG via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>
>> Date: 1/17/22 2:55 PM (GMT-05:00)
>> To: tigers at autox.team.net
>> Subject: [Tigers] Type of black paint for spare hole down bolt and washer
>> Hello,
>> I think my initial sending of this note got lost between Dr. Mayfield‘s request for information on hood scoops and a gentleman that was looking for paint colors on air cleaners. Both important and reasonable, but I ask if I could get a brief answer to my question as well.
>> ——
>> I need some advice on the type of black paint used on the bolt/washer assembly that holds the spare tire down on the Tiger.
>> Is it flat, matt, semi gloss, or gloss ?
>> Thanks in advance, 
>> Jim Armstrong
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