[Tigers] trunk plastic tube

jim jim at island.net
Fri Nov 12 14:41:56 MST 2021

FWIW, I found my old tubing (Thou shalt never throw out a ‘Tiger part! ) and have no idea if it’s original length although it appears to be…  It’s 34” long and telling by the trunk repaint color on that end, it was ( at one time) sticking past the grommet into the trunk about 7 1/4” 

Anyone still looking for ‘Coventry ‘air’ for their tires ??  lol





From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Ron Fraser via Tigers
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 10:12 AM
To: 'Gary' <garywinblad at comcast.net>
Cc: 'James Armstrong' <rollright at aol.com>; Tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] trunk plastic tube



                That is what the Parts List indicates.

I located what I believe was my original tube – it is 37” long.


Ron Fraser


From: Gary <garywinblad at comcast.net <mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net> > 
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 11:58 AM
To: Ron Fraser <rfraser at bluefrog.com <mailto:rfraser at bluefrog.com> >
Cc: James Armstrong <rollright at aol.com <mailto:rollright at aol.com> >; Tigers at autox.team.net <mailto:Tigers at autox.team.net> 
Subject: Re: [Tigers] trunk plastic tube


It’s supposed to be 38 inches?



Sent from my iPhone


On Nov 12, 2021, at 8:18 AM, Ron Fraser via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers at autox.team.net> > wrote:


                I’m pretty sure that is the breather tube for the fuel pump.

Fuel system section UF

P.43555                Hose (38” long) pump to breather

918500                  Grommet 


The problem with it not connected is probably due to the heat in that area.

The tube can’t take the heat plus it is easy to knock off.


This may be the best picture I have back there.


Ron Fraser


From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> > On Behalf Of James Armstrong via Tigers
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2021 10:14 AM
To: tigers at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers at autox.team.net> 
Subject: [Tigers] trunk plastic tube


Hello friends,


As I near completion of the removal of the black pitch-like substance with which the FPO coated the floor of the trunk, I had to remove the battery. 

Over the battery, in the upper right corner of the rear wall, I noticed a clear (now yellowed) PVC tube of a small diameter. It came through a very small rubber gasket and seemed like it should be (but wasn't) connected to the little goose neck on the SU fuel pump on the other side of the wall.


Can anyone confirm that this is the case? If not, where is it supposed to go.?


Jim Armstrong

Mk 1A

382002083 LRXFE

Code 86

TAC # 0763


tigers at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers at autox.team.net> 

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