[Tigers] tool kit metal plate on trunk floor

Chris Thompson chris at cthompson.net
Sun Nov 7 13:43:06 MST 2021

Thanks, Joe!  I've collected all of the tools, but am missing these 
parts.  The metal piece has different dimensions than what Jim listed, 
but I bought it anyway since it was cheap. Now if I can just find the 
Tiger plastic roll itself....



On 11/7/2021 2:35 PM, Joe Brown via Tigers wrote:
> Moss Motors has that metal plate. Part # 221-615. They also have the 
> strap, part #385-940. The strap is longer than our original strap but 
> you can remove the metal tip, cut the strap to length, and then put 
> the tip back on.
> Have fun,
> Joe Brown
> On Sun, Nov 7, 2021, 10:29 AM Ron Fraser via Tigers 
> <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
>     Jim
>     Here is what I have.
>     The curve follows the contour of the trunk floor @ the back.
>     Width = .638”                                     Holes =
>     .205”      1.122” apart
>     Length = 1.97”                                   Bend @ 1.67”
>     Thickness = .035” after cleaning rust off in Evapo Rust
>     Ron Fraser
>     *From:* Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> *On Behalf Of
>     *James Armstrong via Tigers
>     *Sent:* Sunday, November 07, 2021 11:03 AM
>     *To:* tigers at autox.team.net
>     *Subject:* [Tigers] tool kit metal plate on trunk floor
>     Hello,
>     I am nearly done removing the black asphalt-like substance that
>     the FPO used to cover a patch panel in the
>     extreme right rear of the car.trunk floor. Sadly he painted the
>     rest of the trunk in the pitch-like black s*it.
>     He removed all the jack/handle clips but also the piece of
>     metal(?) that held the tool roll fixing strap.
>     Having never seen the metal piece or the strap, would someone be
>     so kind as to describe the metal piece, dimensionally if possible,
>     and the strap/buckle. Over the years, I put together a complete
>     tool roll and have all clips when the trunk is done and in paint.
>     And what is the color of the tool-roll fixing plate when finally
>     installed?
>     I don't know what I'd do without you folks, really.
>     Jim Armstrong
>     Mk 1A
>     382002083 LRXFE
>     Code 86
>     TAC # 0763
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