[Tigers] FW: distributor info

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Sat May 1 07:51:15 MDT 2021

I'm refining my information quest.


There looks like some differences between the stock Ford #s and the Sunbeam
Parts List #s plus no information is listed for the Z5TF-C distributor.

The C4OF-A was replaced by the C5JF-C but my Z5TF-C has a different cam so
I'm thinking it is a hybrid combination of Ford parts.


The Tiger distributors are C4OF-A has oil port, Z5TF-C and C5AF-M are the
later updated design.


If you happen to have or had one of these distributors apart - what color
are the advance springs?


If you have the original Ford vacuum advance, the one's that can be
disassembled - what color is the spring and how long is the Stop part?


Pictures welcome - please indicate the distributor ID# - C4OF-A, Z5TF-C,


Thanks for your help

Ron Fraser




From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Ron Fraser
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 1:26 PM
To: tigers at Autox.Team.Net
Subject: [Tigers] distributor info


                I'm trying to sort out some of the information about the
stock Tiger Distributors.


Has anyone run the advance curve on their stock Tiger distributor?

What are the numbers?


Stock Tiger distributors have ID#s - C4OF-A - has oil port, Z5TF-C and


Has anyone pulled apart their stock Tiger distributor or vacuum advance


What color is the Primary spring with short end loops and the Secondary
spring with the longer end loops.

What color is the spring in the vacuum canister.


Send picture if you have them.


Thanks for your help

Ron Fraser

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