[Tigers] FW: Gas cap

Jerry Christopherson JCMC2006 at suddenlink.net
Mon Dec 20 13:26:03 MST 2021

Concerning the gas cap, I did mine 20+ years ago and I would agree with some
of the comments.  Be the most carful in the drilling of the four studs 4-40
is the correct size (#43 drill), a bottom tap is a must. The depth of the
cut is very critical (I'm very sorry I can't remember the depth too many
years ago). Be very careful and as always "measure twice and cut once"  If I
remember there are only two possibly three threads on the SS screw I used
(had to cut to size) also use thread locker.  I would strongly suggest
drilling the holes on a drill press using a good solid stop at the right
depth.  If you go through it's over!!

Best of luck, let us all know how it went.

Jerry Christopherson
#58 TAC insp. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Christopherson [mailto:jcmc2006 at suddenlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2021 2:07 PM
To: ICE Jerry Christopherson
Subject: Gas cap

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