[Tigers] replacement rear wheel lugs

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Mon May 25 00:15:00 MDT 2020

You can notch the flange slightly with a hacksaw or grinder and get the new
standard size stud in without removing the hub.

Done it in a hotel car park in Marrakesh 11 years ago in about 20 minutes.

On Mon, 25 May 2020 at 02:02, Tony .Someone... via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Been there done this. Luckily I had an Alpine to rob studs from. Im 99%
> you need to prepare to pull the axel. May as well check the axel bearing
> and I installed a new seal. One axel came out pretty easy but drivers side
> took some excellent penatraing oil and a 100 watt bulb on it for 18 hours.
> Not saying this is what helped but the first time I tightened the puller it
> popped out. After doing it once its not that hard of a job but you will
> need the right puller. I wud have no problem driving the car to my
> garage/shop with only 3 studs. Just torque them and stop and check after
> approiate mileage!!!
> TonytheTiger
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Windsor Owens via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>
> *Sent: *Sunday, May 24, 2020 3:45 PM
> *To: *tigers at autox.team.net
> *Subject: *[Tigers] replacement rear wheel lugs
> Yesterday I sheared off a rear wheel stud.  My fault, should have pulled
> over sooner and checked them.  They are original and it is now time to
> replace them.  Also time for me to start paying more attention when I drive
> my Tiger!
> I understand that the axle stubs need to be removed in order to replace
> with OE full-length ones.
> My car is in temporary storage, and I want to replace the sheared one
> sometime soon so I can drive the car to my own garage later this year.
> Does anyone have a recommendation for a shorter stud that can be installed
> without pulling the axles?
> Any suggestions appreciated.  Looking forward to getting it back on the
> road, these cars are so much fun to drive!
> Hope everyone is out this weekend enjoying a nice drive, Happy Memorial
> Day-
> Windsor
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