[Tigers] replacement rear wheel lugs

Windsor Owens windsowens at gmail.com
Sun May 24 14:45:29 MDT 2020

Yesterday I sheared off a rear wheel stud.  My fault, should have pulled
over sooner and checked them.  They are original and it is now time to
replace them.  Also time for me to start paying more attention when I drive
my Tiger!
I understand that the axle stubs need to be removed in order to replace
with OE full-length ones.
My car is in temporary storage, and I want to replace the sheared one
sometime soon so I can drive the car to my own garage later this year.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a shorter stud that can be installed
without pulling the axles?

Any suggestions appreciated.  Looking forward to getting it back on the
road, these cars are so much fun to drive!

Hope everyone is out this weekend enjoying a nice drive, Happy Memorial Day-

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