[Tigers] SUNI Survey

Buck Trippel bucktrippel at verizon.net
Sat May 23 23:45:03 MDT 2020

Mike, Joe, Lynn & JH.  I’ve noted your interest (two “yes” & two “likely”). Mike, didn’t you win the autoX at the last SUNI? And I count a bit more than 14 months (16+?) until September 13-17 of 2021. I believe it is scheduled to start in 493 days. That should give all of us plenty of time to clean up our Tigers.


Gary, I frequently need glasses when I’m using my i-phone, so I know how easy it is to miss a word here or there. BTW, looking at the survey responses, a number commented “too early”. I think some of those responders may have misplaced their glasses as well. 


The basic idea was to try to locate a SUNI in the middle of the country once every 5 years. Admittedly this particular location favors the east, being about a two day drive from New York or Washington, DC while it’s a 3-day trip from the west coast. (And that’s without sightseeing along the way on historic Route 66.) Regardless which coast you’re coming from it will be a lot shorter than the nearly 5-thousand mile Tiger trip my wife and I did last summer – I not only know it can be done but that the drive is a lot of fun.


Obviously the folks in the heartland score, but that’s the point. Every year there are events on both the west coast and another in the east. I hope it’s not too much to ask to occasionally try to put an event in the middle. However it just may be that it is. That’s why we’re asking. 


Hopefully this will come together and we’ll have a great time. We’re planning (optional) activities every evening. Rosemary Smith will review Rootes rallying while Mike Smith (one of the four Rootes and Jensen engineers responsible for the production Tiger) will speak about developing the prototypes into production cars. And we’re trying to invite another very notable guest speaker as well. 


Stay tuned!




From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Joe Brown via Tigers
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2020 8:53 PM
To: Gary <garywinblad at comcast.net>
Cc: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] SUNI Survey


I would be interested. I'm just about finished with my car and the kinks should all be worked out by next year.



Joe Brown


On Sat, May 23, 2020, 10:11 PM Gary via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net <mailto:tigers at autox.team.net> > wrote:

OOPs, my mistake.. sorry

On 5/23/2020 7:50 PM, Tom Witt via Tigers wrote:

... Many of the Rootes clubs from across the country have recently emailed out a survey designed to measure interest in a SUNI to be held a year from this coming September in Independence, MO. ...

On 5/23/2020 6:27 PM, Gary via Tigers wrote:

This September?  Are you kidding? 

Don’t you guys listen to the news (I mean

real news, not Trump).



Sent from my iPhone

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