[Tigers] after market steering wheels

Jay Laifman jay.laifman at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 17:32:51 MST 2020

I did make a Motolita work on my Alpine.  There is an extender at the end
of the threaded rod in the center of the steering column.  This extender
goes into the back of the Alpine/Tiger center knob that loosens to allow
the telescoping to work.  I took off the extender and replaced it with two
nuts.  To move the wheel, I now have to take off the horn button, and use
to wrenches.  But to be honest, I haven't moved it again since I did that -
and I really don't let anyone else drive it.  If they did, and they didn't
like where I want it, tough!

Oh, as to the two nuts, when they are both loosened, the steering wheel is
free to moved forward and back.  Then when I have it where I want it, I
tighten the bottom nut down.  Then I use the second nut as a jam nut to
hold the first nut in place.

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 10:25 AM Richard Hyatt via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> My tiger steering wheel could use refinishing. I will keep it under any
> circumstances carefully stored away. In looking at Tiger aftermarket
> steering wheels such as Motolita and others, none seem to support the
> telescoping function. In fact it is a little hard to be sure normal horn
> function can remain.. I wondered what others have done to support or
> deactivate the telescoping function and which product you might favor.
> Thanks.
> Best Regards,
>   Rick Hyatt | President
>   [image: cid:image003.jpg at 01D0A900.B6A56090] 540.257.0864
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> [image: *]     rick at atmospherebuilders.com
> [image: *]    www.atmospherebuilders.com
> PO Box 114 Blacksburg, VA 24063
> 70 Virginian Dr. Christiansburg, VA 24073
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