[Tigers] Starter Solenoid

Tom Witt atwittsend at verizon.net
Thu Nov 21 09:35:45 MST 2019

I’m not sure if this will be helpful to solving anyone’s tach problems..., but it may be helpful in understanding how the Pertronix works (and that might help solve a tach problem?). Because the Pertronix is an “electronic” ignition I originally assumed it worked by sending  pulsed 12V + to the coil to spark the plugs. However, that is not the case. It simply does electronically what points do mechanically. It temporarily grounds the negative side of the coil and the electronic ‘make and break’ is what triggers the coil to fire.

Where people run into trouble is they will often power the 12V + the Pertronix needs from the diminishing side of the resistor (which then isn’t 12V).  This results in low/fluctuating power. While this is a “Pertronix” connection issue, it might also be the cause of some tach problems as well.  The simple work around is to connect a 12V + wire directly from the ignition run position to the red wire on the Pertronix. I also see merit in what is stated below about running a dedicated wire between the negative side of the coil and the tach.

And, if you have the frustrating Ignitor I, as I do, I put a connector in that decicated 12V+ wire so when I have cause to keep the ignition on (for say,... testing an electric fuel pump) I can disconnect the Ignitor I so it doesn’t fry in that 30 second window of survival. I’m not sure if this will help or confuse but as best I was able with the symbols available on a keyboard the circuit is illustrated.

- Battery 12V+.......... Ignition Switch (start).......... Resistor........ + Coil –......... Pertronix............ Ground
I               12V +...................................................................................................I                           I                                                                                    

From: Donald Antilla via Tigers 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 7:09 AM
To: Theo Smit ; Gary 
Cc: tigers 
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Starter Solenoid

Gary and Friends:

I just had a good discussion with Peter Bayer who owns Nisonger Corporation and who modifies the tachs.

Peter explained the entire circuitry to me and I will only summarize in words, then please view the attached file from Nisonger.

The summary is:

  a.. Keep the loop on the back of the tach intact. Do NOT remove nor disconnect. This SHOULD therefore provide 12 volt power to the ballast resistor 
  b.. Route a wire from the female spade terminal at back of the updated tach TO the negative side of the ignition coil which has been equipped with the Pertronix system.

I’ve attached the instructions from Nisonger for you to follow.


Peter Bayer is a smart and helpful person and is quite willing to receive a call from Gary and walk Gary through the instructions.

I think once Gary talks with Peter while reading the attached instructions that all will be good.

Peter Bayer’s number is (914) 381-3600

Please let me know how it goes. 



Don Antilla 

Southbury, CT

203-264-8301 Home

203-592-8427 Cell



From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> on behalf of Theo Smit via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>
Reply-To: Theo Smit <tsmit at shaw.ca>
Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 11:49 PM
To: Gary <garywinblad at comcast.net>
Cc: tigers <Tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Starter Solenoid


remember that TigersUnited.com is not dead, and among other resources it has a complete scan of the Tiger Workshop Manual, including good re-digitized drawings of the wiring diagram.



So, with respect to that drawing:

- Your tach should be powered through the spade connector on the back of the tach. That should be connected to a green wire that is energized only when the ignition is on or in the start position.

- Your tach should be grounded through the black daisy-chain wires that need to be connected to the dash frame somewhere (not just gauge to gauge to gauge).

- The OEM wiring has the coil power run through a white wire, looped through the transformer U-shaped metal piece and plastic frame that is mounted on the back of the tach. It kind of sounds like the Nissonger rebuild gave you an alternate means of sensing the ignition with their white "signal in" line. You should have got a wiring diagram with the tach, if they changed the way it can be wired up.

- That OEM white wire needs to connect to one end of the ballast resistor as shown in the wiring diagram (and the other end plugs into the ignition switch, not the tach). It supplies power to the coil through the ballast resistor when the car is running.

- The white/blue wire runs from the solenoid to the ballast resistor to the coil positive.


It sounds like you need to make sure that the white wire you plugged into the tach, is connected to the ballast resistor at the other end. If so, unplug the tach end, loop it through the transformer block, and plug it into the #2 terminal on the ignition switch.


If the tach works properly, then you're good. If it does not, then try looping the white wire through the transformer block in the opposite direction. If that still fails (but the engine runs properly), then abandon the transformer and use Nissonger's signal wire. As Gary says, that wire should be connected using a new extension wire to the coil negative terminal ( where the points connect ).



Good luck,



From: "tigers" <tigers at autox.team.net>
To: "Joe Brown" <jbbrown1980 at gmail.com>
Cc: "tigers" <Tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 7:22:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Starter Solenoid


The Signal wire should probably wire to

the points or low side of the coil.

The white wire should not end at the tach

but would do a one loop through the coil

pickup on the back of the stock tach and

then run to the ballast.

You do need 12v to the back of the tach

spade terminal and a ground.


Sent from my iPhone


  On Nov 20, 2019, at 2:30 PM, Joe Brown via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

  Thanks to Donald Antilla and Ron Fraser for their quick replies.  They have me on the right track now.  In my new wiring harness I have one white wire that comes out of the harness behind the tach and I assumed it plugged into the white wire (labeled "signal in") on the back of the tach.  My tach was rebuilt by Nisonger and has the updated electronics.  I ohmed that wire out and it is the one that goes to the ballast resistor.  So should I run a new wire from the ignition switch to the tach and piggyback the ballast wire to that?  


  Joe Brown


  On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 3:31 PM Donald Antilla <fast427 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

    The starter solenoid temporarily supplies 12 volts to the. Oil while the starter is cranking. 
    As soon as you release the key that temporary 12 volts is disconnected and the power to the coil is via the ballast resistor. 
    It sounds like you either have a bad ballast resistor or broken wiring to the ballast resistor. 
    Temporarily add an alligator jumper across the two tabs on the resistor and see if it starts. If it does start you have a bad resistor. 
    And if that does not work, start looking for lack of 12 volts INTO. The ballast resistor. 

    From Don's iPhone 203-592-8427
    Or 203-264-8301 home

    > On Nov 20, 2019, at 4:20 PM, Joe Brown via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
    > Hey,
    > I'm trying to fire up my engine for the first time and I have a question.  When I turn the key to the start position the engine turns over and fires up.  But as soon as I let go of the key so that it returns to the run position it dies.  It seems like the ignition system is only getting power when the key is in the start position. 
    > I'm a little confused by the wiring diagram.  The white/blue wire from the solenoid goes to the coil and this would seem to imply that there should always be 12V on this wire when the key is in the run position.  Is this correct?  I'm only getting the 12V on this line when the key is in the start position.  
    > Any ideas?
    > Thanks,
    > Joe Brown
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