[Tigers] Tachometer and Petronix

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Tue Jul 16 22:28:54 MDT 2019


                It depends on why your Tach is dead.

When my Tach was working poorly I took it apart to see if there was anything obvious causing the problem.

I found that the rosin on all the solder points was flacking off and stopping the working parts.

I brushed off all the rosin and very gently blew out all the rosin – use very low air pressure here like 1 or 2 psi.


Tom Hall has an add on board that might help you.   I’m not sure if can restore a totally dead Tach.


I have Pertronics ignition and the stock Tach.   Seems to me originally this setup caused the Tach to jump around some.

I believe Pertronics has a filter which stops this.   At the time I was discussing this with Tiger Tom in PA.    He investigated this and made his own filter which I installed and the Tach worked correctly.


Ron Fraser



From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Randall Antosiak via Tigers
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 8:18 PM
To: Tiger List <tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] Tachometer and Petronix


My tach is dead and the repair shop (Palo Alto Speedo) has given me two options for repair: 1)

 stock electronics ($225), or 2) Petronix compatible electronics ($335) which requires an additional wire from the coil to the tach.  


I seem to recall that hearing that a stock electronics tach will work with an induction wire which has the loop removed (this is the white wire from the ballast resistor) .  Obviously this is the preferable option - does anyone have experience with this?  



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