[Tigers] Rear Main seal issues

spmdr at juno.com spmdr at juno.com
Thu Jan 24 23:26:51 MST 2019

Tom, Yes, I am referring to the Rubber 2 part seal to replace the Ropes.

I don't remember the last time Fel-Pro had Ropes in their premium gasket sets.

As far as trimming, I have been trimming one side/end of each half.

So that the trimmed end contacts the non-trimmed end of the other half.

I usually trim the seals until the Main cap fits down to the block when torqued.

I use a .002 feeler Gage to check the main cap to Block joint.(without the bearings, with seals), when torqued.

The last rubber rear main seals I trimmed started (before trimming) with the Main cap held away from the bock something like .011 .

I have not measured the slots that hold the seals, but I suspect Ford's tolerance there is quite loose (inconsistent)!

I have not been keeping track of how much the trimmed seals stick up from the surface of the cap or block,

but maybe .020-.030 for each seal half, total?


---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Tom Witt" <atwittsend at verizon.net>
To: <spmdr at juno.com>, <tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Rear Main seal issues
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 14:25:38 -0800

For that "someday, when" I'm curious as to whether you are talking rope or 
rubber seals, how much you trim (typically), and is it both halves or just 
one?  Thanks

-----Original Message----- 
From: spmdr--- via Tigers
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 8:52 AM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] Rear Main seal issues

I have been unhappy with rear main seals for decades!

I first noticed the problem when I checked main bearing clearances.

With the seal, the bearing clearances changed.

The seal was keeping the main cap from seating properly with the block!

I checked high and low for different sources of seals (including FORD), and 
found they are ALL the same!!

So I gave up looking and decided to trim the ends of the seals as needed.

Also, of course, real main seal leakage comes into the picture.

And all of this is compounded with blocks that have been alignehoned or 

I have mentioned this issue to Fel-Pro and they are totally unconcerned.

So I have been trimming seals with mostly good results. YMMV.  DW

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