[Tigers] suspension bushings

Will Seay Tigers at embarqmail.com
Wed Aug 28 15:45:28 MDT 2019

Has anyone tried the bushings from Rootes Parts:
They claim that they are the correct "metalastic" type.

Will - 382001570
Tigers at embarqmail.com

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 5:21 PM clyde mclaughlin via Tigers <
tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:

> I have used the latest ones from SS, they are marginal at best, I can't
> speak to the rubber because they have no age on them yet, but I can speak
> to the not so good fit, they are loose after installation,  some didn't
> even need to be pressed. I bought a set of used lower arms from a member
> and they came with a set of OEM british bushings and they fit like they are
> supposed to,  I then took the set off my car that I had put the SS bushings
> in and replaced with the arms I got that had the OEM bushings, they were
> uninstalled in the original package when I got them. I don't remember the
> part number from the OEM but I googled it to no parts found, it's hard to
> believe that a basic bushing of that style can't be easily duplicated
> correctly, Clyde
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