[Tigers] tachometer

Jim Buster jbsyv at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 3 23:19:06 MDT 2018

Have to be careful raising the radiator cap rating. Raising the point of pressure release of the radiator will not help keep the engine cool, it will only raise the boiling point. Which in turn will allow the engine to run hotter before boiling over.

> On Sep 3, 2018, at 12:21 PM, Ron Fraser via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Russ
> Is there a problem with the Tiger Tach?
> Sometimes they can be fixed.
> Alpine Tach is for a 4 cyl engine - it needs to be adjusted to read 8 cyl
> otherwise the same.
> It might work if there is enough adjustment of the potentiometer which can
> be reached though the illumination bulb socket hole and if you have small
> fingers.   You will need another tach measuring instrument to adjust the
> tach to the correct reading and to see if it reads correctly though the RPM
> range.
> The heater core is the weak link if you run a higher psi radiator cap it
> could spring a leak.
> If you think you have a cooling problem - 1st start by cleaning the cooling
> system
> I suggest using Evapo-Rust cooling system cleaner - follow the directions on
> the bottle.
> I also suggest you flush and back flush the heater core until it runs clear
> - sediment collects there. 
> Ron Fraser
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Russ and Tammy C.
> via Tigers
> Sent: Monday, September 03, 2018 11:28 AM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Tigers] tachometer
> Will the alpine tach work on a tiger?  Same white wire loops etc?
>  Would I get better cooling with a higher than 13 pound radiator cap?
> Thanks.         rtscolgan at yahoo.com
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