[Tigers] Generator Conversion

Douglas Lyle douglasalyle at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 6 16:37:24 MDT 2018

 Another option would be to have your original generator converted to an alternator.   A bit pricey but allows you to bypass the regulator and keep the stock appearance and mount.   I've done a couple and they work great.

GenerNator high amp classic car alternator built inside generator

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GenerNator high amp classic car alternator built inside generator

a simple one step application to replace the Generator system with an all Alternator type system, capable of mee...



Doug Lyle

    On Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 2:56:39 PM PDT, 64venezia via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:  
 Likewise I have installed the Powermaster PowerGen with good results. It is
an easy install, only leaves little room for adjustment later. Robert

From: ironbeast at comcast.net
I've installed a Powermaster PowerGen.  They are a bit pricey but mimic the
look of the generator,although just slightly larger in diameter.  You can
use the same bracket and its a single wire. 

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