[Tigers] Symptoms again

coolvt at aol.com coolvt at aol.com
Sat Aug 18 17:40:21 MDT 2018

If you're not using fuel stabilizer when you put it away for the winter, you might try to see if that helps.  Mark L

In a message dated 8/18/2018 6:20:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, tigers at autox.team.net writes:

I guess I forgot to "reply all" on my email to Gary this morning.  I usually turn off the fuel pump and let the engine run the carb dry when putting it away, but I guess there's enough fuel left to gum up some of the works in the carb.  Reintroducing fuel to the bowl for a couple hours is enough to dissolve the goo and restore normal operation.  It started and ran fine this morning, all ready for its yearly state inspection next week.  Problem solved, or at least understood.
No choice down here in Massachusetts, ethanol (IIRC) is in all grades.  Maybe not in AV GAS, but I don't have access to that.

On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 2:52 PM, Dave Munroe <dave at munroe.ca> wrote:
Any chance you got into some ethanol-laced fuel? We don't have any ethanol in our high test fuel, so we all here in Nova Scotia with vintage cars, motorcycles and small yard equipment engines use high test in everything. I once took on a tank full containing ethanol in a neighboring Province, and put my car in storage for the winter. Exact same symptoms, but much more extensive - the ethanol phase-separated with the condensation in my entire fuel system, in my fuel tanks, fuel pump, fuel filters and the float bowl. You never want to ever have this happen to you.
Might be a good idea to check your fuel filter(s).
Good luck, I hope you have only your carb to deal with!
Dave in Nova Scotia
B382000450 (ex: Worcester, Mass. car)


On 18 August 2018 at 11:14, Gary Winblad via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
Hi Stu,
 I am surprised that more people are not having this problem...
 On the other hand, maybe it is somehow related to 2bbl carbs...  my other car with a 600 Holley 4bbl
 (much newer Holley) doesn't seem to do it..  though I don't drive it for months at a time.
 When I first started having the problem, I learned to pit stop strip down the carb, look for problems,
 blow out all the little passages and re-install in like 20 minutes. That fixed it and at first I was finding
 small problems that looked like that must have been it but after several "rebuilds" everything looked
 perfect everytime.. but it ran like yours when first started... WEIRD!
 My problem car is stock (except the Holley), original heater plate(?) and hoses, maybe that has something
 to do with it?

 On 8/17/2018 6:13 PM, Stu via Tigers wrote:
I think we have a winner.

 Was it Fuel flow?  It did this before in the spring.  I immediately tested this by running a hose from the pre carb filter to a can. Good flow, my Facet was pumping like crazy.  And the float level, rechecked this spring, is right on.  So that isn't it.

 Was it Ignition, maybe with some condensation?  Back in the spring I used a spray bottle to soak the coil, cap, wires, etc. and then tried to start it.  No problem

 Also, both tonight and in the spring, the car started and idled fine after a couple hours.

 So I think Gary nailed it.  His description matches perfectly.  Despite my running the carb dry before putting it away for more than a day, stuff in the carb gets gummed up.  Reintroducing fuel for a few hours dissolves the crud and normal operation is restored.



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