[Tigers] Anyone Recognition These Symptoms?

coolvt at aol.com coolvt at aol.com
Fri Aug 17 20:42:04 MDT 2018


Ever have the tanks cleaned and coated?  Mark
In a message dated 8/17/2018 7:11:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, tigers at autox.team.net writes:

Due to travel, weather, and life in general, I haven't touched the Tiger for several weeks.  Until today. 
At first it would barely run, like it was running on two or three.  I had to keep my foot on the throttle or it would instantly die.
So I left it for 20 minutes, and tried again.  It started ok, and if I kept it at 2 - 3000 rpm all seemed fine.  But when I took my foot off the pedal, it dropped to idle, then started pulsating, like I was turning it off for an instant, once a second or so.  Finally it died.
Its a stock 260, stock 2 barrel, original points type ignition with most everything in the ignition replaced in the last couple years.  The automatic choke appears free and functioning.  Its a hot and humid day.
Anybody recognize this behavior?
It's days like this that make me start to think about Hemmings...
Stu Brennan

tigers at autox.team.net

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