[Tigers] Update- Motor Mounts

daniel doornbos dan_doornbos at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 8 15:51:38 MST 2017

Thanks Ron.  Tom Hall provided me a tech tip based on a motor mount study he completed and dimension impact that shows a 0.14" delta if you swap mount sides.  Additional feedback from Tom is that a urethane mount might be too rigid and induce cowl shake if you've got a cammed up motor.

Also a reminder for those not wanting to cut your car to fit a T5 Tom's kit is still available (http://www.tigerengineering.net/) as well as the modern drive line TKO kit.  It's still surprising to me that business and people are willing to do such hard work to get these solutions together for such a limited market.

Also as a former bicycle racer and engineer I find it hard not to pay attention to weight info.  When investigating T5 vs. TKO this article identified that a TKO has 50lbs vs. the T5 34lbs of rotating mass, that's a pretty big difference with measurable output results.



Message: 2
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 23:12:26 -0500
From: "Ron Fraser" <rfraser at bluefrog.com>
To: "'daniel doornbos'" <dan_doornbos at hotmail.com>,
        <tigers at Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Motor Mount Question


                The motor mounts should both be about the same thickness but
I believe the locating bolt is slightly offset so forward or back should be
what swapping the motor mounts does.

Ron Fraser

From: Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of daniel
doornbos via Tigers
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 6:38 PM
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] Motor Mount Question

>From past discussion I see the correct Ford Motor Mount PN are  C3AZ-6038-G
for RH and C3AZ-6038-H for LH.  And that people frequently swap them left
and right to move the motor back or is it down?

Has anyone used Prothane 6-503 ford mounts?  It didn't look like to me there
was a right/left.  Wondering how these fit compared to stock.  Look a bit
bigger and wondering if I'll run into header or steering interference.

I ask because I'm starting mock up work and am selecting motor mounts for as
build to fit a T5.  I've ordered a T5 2.95 first with a modern drive line's
S10 like tail housing
The front shift rear mount shifter is reported to be 13.25 back from the
front of the case and a TopLoader shifter is about 14.5 from the front of
the case.  I think this will be minimal transmission tunnel modification,
I'll have to make a more centered hole.  They also offer a no cut bolt in
TKO600 5spd kit for the tiger, looks pretty slick.  I chose the T5 for a bit
of cost saving and a bit lighter.


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