[Tigers] B-Post chromed 'Cappings's

Jay Laifman jay.laifman at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 20:05:57 MST 2017

On than rubber bit on top of the A pillar, my very late SV that we bought when it was 9 years old with 60k miles did not have them.  The rest of the car, down to the tool kit was 100% stock with nothing missing.  But that is not proof of anything.  

On the other hand, my dad’s Tiger does have them.  

I bought new ones for my Alpine at one point.  I don’t know if it was CAT or VB.  Not SS.  

But the whole reason for my response is to point out that there was a big difference between what I bought versus what is on the Tiger.  The ones on the Tiger have a metal clip inside and the rubber surrounds the clip.  The ones I bought were a solid piece of hard rubber with a shallow slit in it.  The slit was way too shallow to even glue the part down.  I ended up not installing and figured I might get back to it some day.  Still hasn’t happened. 

> On Dec 28, 2017, at 5:12 PM, michael king via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
> Jim,
> The narrow B post cap came in on the Series V Alpine, MKIA Tiger.. B382 series cars.
> I assume this was to stop the B post chipping the door when there was any misalignment.
> As for the seal, i haven't got a parts book infront of me, but is the seal the B post buffer or small vertical blade seal, or like a gasket between B post and the body? cant imagine one as its largely hollow under it for the soft top hinge.
>> On 29 December 2017 at 04:51, James Armstrong via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Just finished looking in the Alpine (Tiger) parts book, Section YX illus. D226-228
>> I'm trying to figure out which cars had the narrow B-post caps and which had the wider ones.
>> 2220784 & 5 were superseded by 2226242 & 3. Looks like a running change of some sort.
>> Then, on Tiger 38200389, the above was subbed to 2235594 & 5.
>> Anybody know?
>> Further, there is described but not illustrated a seal between the b-post and the above noted Capping piece.
>> I've never seen one. Anybody?
>> Jim Armstrong
>> Mk 1A
>> 382002083 LRXFE
>> Code 86
>> TAC #....
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> Regards
> Michael King
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