[Tigers] FW: Two questions

Tom Witt atwittsend at verizon.net
Tue May 31 17:52:03 MDT 2016

>>>Perhaps his local dealer didn't have a black Tiger on the lot and none on 
>>>the way. So he had to specifically order one if he wanted it.<<<

While that may be a reason for him not getting one – when he wanted it, he 
did state it was a “not a standard color.” So, that kind of negates the 
possibility proposed being the answer.  Somewhere in Tigerdom there is as 
color picture of the first shipment of west coast Tigers. Amidst the 
shipment of Tigers are a number of black ones.  I tried counting them and 
wondered of #101 was in the mix.  It is amazing the number of myths and 
legends that seem to turn up in just about all car makes.

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