[Tigers] Cruise control

Pam and Tom Jeffers jeffers at mwt.net
Thu Jun 23 10:28:44 MDT 2016

I installed the CCS100 last October.  I bought it here:  http://www.murphskits.com/product_info.php?products_id=422  The vacuum servo was installed as Ron described.   I connected the cruise control cable to the throttle bracket under the dash similar to figure 12 in the instructions as Ron did also.  I did not use the magnets on the driveshaft or the Ford electric speed sensor.  The controls signal comes from the negative side of the coil.  Works really well.  You will need a switch for the brake pedal and if you have LED brake lights you will need a relay.

Tom J

> On Jun 23, 2016, at 8:16 AM, Ron Fraser via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:
> So now you want all my secrets!!!
> Cruise control – Audiovox CCS100             This is an nice small unit – there maybe others available now
> The throttle control vacuum unit is located under the passenger foot panel.
> The throttle cable is mounted behind the dash and is attached inside to the throttle pedal link.
> The only part going into the engine compartment is the vacuum line.
> The controller is mounted in the ash tray.  I also considered a hinged plate for the controller so it could be hidden easily.   I ran out of time thinking about that possibility.  I installed my cruise control for the Big Sky SUNI trip.   I got it installed the day before leaving and I had a couple of teething issues getting it to work correctly.  I forget what those problems were but they were minor issues.   I don’t think I had the controller in the ash tray then – just tucked under the rug so I could grab it when needed.  Later I just thought the ash tray was a nice place for the controller; I also had a spare ash tray that I thought was perfect for modification.  I think the possibilities for the controller are many it’s just what is convenient for you.
> I used the magnet on the drive shaft for the input but you can use the Ford electronic speed sensor.   The last time I looked at the price for that part the speed sensor without a cable drive for a speedometer was less than the ones with.   This is strange because the speed sensor without just has a plug that can be removed and you can push the speedometer cable into it.   I assume that is still correct but it would need checking.
> Well I hope that gives you some ideas
> Ron Fraser
> From: Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of CoolVT--- via Tigers
> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2016 10:01 PM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Tigers] Cruise control
> I'm thinking of doing a cruise control.  I assume most work the same way.  Anyone have a preference for brand name and what are the options people have used for  location of the controller?  I would prefer something near the dash that I can see, but don't want to cut up the car or start drilling holes in the dash. 

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