[Tigers] Body Pannel and fule cross over tube question
daniel doornbos
dan_doornbos at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 20 10:45:20 MDT 2016
Tiger work continues to progress. Over the weekend I built a body stand and the Tiger is now resting on its side. After completing that Sat I then decided to add casters so I can roll the car outside to get the underside all cleaned up without a mess in the garage. I didn't figure I needed a full rotisserie and putting the car on it's side was fairly straight forward. I'm taking a lot of photos as thing are comming apart so I can document how to put them back together. For anyone intereasted in what is going on the album is here LINK<https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNhx7DaGd_6kYAxzcDV2Mr52Mwj-VqG2phw7NmWCZQmIg2bjwpI-WiHGl28V-WURg?key=ZXNOMzVCTENIOHlnN0txMk5GbkRaWVNDS3l5Unln>
Questions for this list.
I do have a few repairs to do around frame welding, but the car is in really good shape from a rust standpoint, only the trunk floor pannel needs replacing, photo link<https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNhx7DaGd_6kYAxzcDV2Mr52Mwj-VqG2phw7NmWCZQmIg2bjwpI-WiHGl28V-WURg/photo/AF1QipMC0p3RGAqLsf79D9hId_WfCPixsoPN5ItLDwM?key=ZXNOMzVCTENIOHlnN0txMk5GbkRaWVNDS3l5Unln>, and really it's only the first 6" of the passenger side. I could grind the tire hold down easy enogh and move it, the clips aren't in good shape, are there replacements? Is it worth the effort to move these parts?
Second, the fuel tanks and cross over elbows are in good shape but the lower center cross over tube is shot. Rusted out. Anyone know of a source for this part? Internet searches have been empty.
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