[Tigers] Steering Arm

Joel Martin jmartiniii at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 2 15:19:50 MST 2016

I am officially confused but what else is new.  New 15" LAT wheels and 205/50/15 tires installed.  Turn the wheel to the right, everything clears nicely both wheels\tires or so I think.  Turn the wheel to the left, the RIGHT tire hits the bolt for the tie rod at the junction of the steering rack and tie rod bolt plus the front sway bar bracket and rubber bushing - the one closest to lower control arm by bottom bolt

I had issues with the right, I think, steering arm, which had been welded by a previous owner and replaced it with what I thought was correct one - I did not write down the numbers of the steering arms that were used and cannot see them on the car - now went out, jacked up car and checked.  Numbers facing down 1990602 on right and think 1990603 on left
In checking the tiger parts list, it shows 1224640 as the steering  Arm, O/S (R.H.) and 1224641 as the steering arm, N/S (L.H.) - not sure what O/S and N/S stand for?
Parts list for Alpine steering arm from Series IV  shows  1206258 O/S (R.H.) and 1206259 N.S. (L.H.)
Here is the kicker regarding numbers:  Old welded number (R.H.I think right) 1990603 and on a second line 17300AJGSBEN16TOne I purchased which I did not use is 1990602 JG6B17299A2EN16T - all on 1 line on the steering arm, I thought was left but now not sure and purchased another one used.

1.  What is the correct part numbers on the actual steering arm for right and left?2.  Which direction does the tall middle bolt side face - outside or inside when mounted?
2.  Could this possibly be the right tire rub issue?  or other things to check?
StrugglingJoel Martin

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