[Tigers] Alpine - Alfa Romeo Hybrid

dnmwilson at aol.com dnmwilson at aol.com
Sat Dec 10 20:06:06 MST 2016

I would like to suggest that an Alpine with an Alfa Romeo engine should be called not an AlRo, but an Alp-o.

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2016 12:21:57 -0800
From: Jay Laifman <jay.laifman at gmail.com>
To: "Tiger's Den" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] Tiger Pre-History
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Before the Tiger, Rootes was looking for some other engine possibility for
the Alpine to address its need for power.  A deal was in the works with
Ferrari for an Alfa Romeo engine.  If I recall correctly, Enzo and  Lord
Rootes were on friendly terms and a deal was essentially reached, but
Ferrari backed out.  In honor of that history, someone really should get
this engine and do an Alger -or maybe Alpine-Romero or AlRo.

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