[Tigers] speedo nylon gear

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Fri Dec 2 17:49:30 MST 2016

If someone can figure the correct gears it sounds like that if they change  
tires they might have to change gears again.  That might mean pulling the  
engine and tranny.  
 Close enough is good enough for me:-)
If your speedometer is going to be rebuilt, a decent company will calibrate 
 your speedo to your tires.  At least that will be accurate if you don't  
change tires:-)
Mark L
In a message dated 12/2/2016 7:15:18 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
tigers at autox.team.net writes:

The 16T gear works very well with today’s radial tires which are not as 
tall  as the original bias ply tire. 
Yes you can work  back from the tires, gears combo you have to see what is  
Your tire  circumference – ft in a mile – tire revs / mile – rear axle 
gears – engine  revs/ mile 
Engine revs/ mile –  trans gear to speedo cable gear – revs/ mile at 
Ron  Fraser 
From: Jerry Mo  Christopherson [mailto:JCMC2006 at suddenlink.net] 
Sent: Friday,  December 02, 2016 5:13 PM
To: 'Ron Fraser'  <rfraser at bluefrog.com>
Subject: RE: [Tigers] speedo nylon  gear

Ya,  I was just thinking one could work it backwards, i.e. I have this 
wheel/tire  combo and this rear end ratio so what combination of “gears” would 
I need to  get close to something that was as “accurate” as the original.  
To me the  speedometer is just something relative anyway.  If we are all 
having to  live with a 16 tooth gear any way we just accept that it’s  wrong. 
From: Ron Fraser [mailto:rfraser at bluefrog.com]  
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2016 3:01 PM
To: 'Jerry Mo  Christopherson'; _CoolVT at aol.com_ (mailto:CoolVT at aol.com) ; 
_Rollright at aol.com_ (mailto:Rollright at aol.com) ; _tigers at autox.team.net_ 
(mailto:tigers at autox.team.net) 
Subject:  RE: [Tigers] speedo nylon gear

I think you’re looking at this the wrong way.   
The different gears  and ratios are designed to make the tire sizes of the 
day work fairly  accurately with the speedometer. 
Original 15T to 6T  and a 980 revs/ mile speedo needs a tire with a 
circumference around  75” 
Has anyone ever  measured the circumference of an Original Tiger Tire to 
verify this  calculation? 
A 16T to 6T with  980 speedo needs a tire C around 70.5” 
These are just a  mechanical calculation from the speedo to the tire 
circumference with all the  original gear ratios. 
Sunbeam had other  speedos available – 1000 and 1020 revs/ mile and 
different axle ratios; any of  these will change the accuracy of the speedo and 
thus require a different  cable gear. 
It’s probably  easier to convert to a GPS speedometer then play with all 
these gear ratios if  you’re looking for a totally accurate speedo. 
Ron  Fraser 
From: Jerry Mo  Christopherson [mailto:JCMC2006 at suddenlink.net]  
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2016 1:31 PM
To: _CoolVT at aol.com_ (mailto:CoolVT at aol.com) ;  _rfraser at bluefrog.com_ 
(mailto:rfraser at bluefrog.com) ; _Rollright at aol.com_ (mailto:Rollright at aol.com) 
Subject: RE:  [Tigers] speedo nylon gear

This  video is very informative, which leads me to this question.  Not 
knowing  the number of the drive gear on the Tiger trans, is it possible to get 
a  different drive gear to better match the original ratio using the only 
driven  gear that is now available (i.e. 16t)??  Just  wondering. 
Jerry  Christopherson 
TAC  insp. #58 
From: Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]  On Behalf Of CoolVT--- 
via Tigers
Sent: Thursday, December  01, 2016 2:47 PM
To: _rfraser at bluefrog.com_ (mailto:rfraser at bluefrog.com) ; 
_Rollright at aol.com_ (mailto:Rollright at aol.com) ; _tigers at Autox.Team.Net_ 
(mailto:tigers at Autox.Team.Net) 
Subject:  Re: [Tigers] speedo nylon gear

This tutorial on speedo  gears is taken from a Mustang site (sorry I can't 
give the proper  credit).  It's for Mustangs, but much is the same on a  
Mark  L





In a message dated  12/1/2016 2:14:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_tigers at autox.team.net_ (mailto:tigers at autox.team.net)   writes:
The original Mk I speedometer cable gear is C3OA-17271-A  15  teeth 
Mark  on the gear is 15R – pictures are an original 15R gear – very  worn. 
16R  is what is available now 
The  different colors are for different teeth count; makes them easy to  
Took  me years at work to convince R&D design teams to change the color of  
gears when different gear sets were being evaluated.   I hated  getting 5 
bags of black gears that I then had to count the  teeth. 
Ron  Fraser 
From:  Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]  On Behalf Of 
Rollright--- via Tigers
Sent: Wednesday,  November 30, 2016 6:01 PM
To: _tigers at autox.team.net_ (mailto:tigers at autox.team.net) 
Subject:  [Tigers] speedo nylon gear


How  many teeth does the Tiger speedo gear have and what do the colors 

Mustangs  Unltd. have so many.........

I  recall some years back the correct one for a Tiger went out of print.  
Perhaps they are in print again?  

Jim  Armstrong
Mk 1A
code 86
TAC #  0763


_tigers at autox.team.net_ (mailto:tigers at autox.team.net) 

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