[Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 8, Issue 57
rollright at aol.com
rollright at aol.com
Thu Apr 7 19:38:15 MDT 2016
By the way the ford motorsports right angle filter adapter comes with both O-rings
Sent from my iPhone
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Tigers Digest, Vol 8, Issue 55 (Tony Lang)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 22:10:05 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Tony Lang <achd73 at yahoo.com>
> To: Tom Pappenhagen <pappentl at aol.com>, "tigers at autox.team.net"
> <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tigers Digest, Vol 8, Issue 55
> Message-ID:
> <1582372704.568812.1459980605739.JavaMail.yahoo at mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Tom and friends. I will jump in here as I just ordered the nipple as I have had the right angle when someone previously had a post or it was in a club newsletter, CAT or TE/AE. The right angle adapter is available from both Summit and Jegs-- Summit is a few bucks cheaper. I didn't communicate with Jegs but had to talk on line to a person at Summit who sent me a link to ?SRI (Supplies for Racing and Industry) and they had one nipple in stock. The right angle part number is F1AZ-6890B . Jim either posted or told me both places had both parts. I also ordered the nipple, which is actually a reducing nipple from 1-1/16 to 3/4, from a local Ford dealer BUT after locating it thru Summit I canceled the order as Ford dealer was twice the price plus a 26 mile drive one way. Jim mentioned the two O-rings necessary for the right angle adapter and I read later those needed to be ordered separate, so ASK when you order as when I typed in the part number, the filter side was't pictured or t
> he two O
> -rings mentioned. AS an after thought for owners who must stay original( I love it) having the right angle and nipple in ones "emergency parts" we carry when on a long trip, would get you going IF you had a hose blow.Tom I have removed it but thepart number you gad posted is correct. By now Jim has probably responded.?Cheers, TonytheTiger
> Turns out one needs to order two parts:
> 1) the Ford Motorsports right-angle adapter
> 2) the block to adapter device
> ?
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