[Tigers] Front Hubs

Tod Brown todbrown at roadrunner.com
Sat Sep 12 21:59:53 MDT 2015

Hello All:

The other day, afriend who owns a Tiger II found that one of his pie 
mags would not
fit on one of the front hubs. In trying tofigure out why, we took a hub 
off a Series V
Alpine that we have been dismantling and found that the mag would fit on 
that hub
very easily. I would have thought that the hubs used on the Tiger II's 
and the Series V
Alpines were the same and, as far as I can find, there is only one part 
number on the
Parts List, but they are slightly different. Can anyone offer any 
insight into this situation?

We also noticed that the brake discs on the Tiger II and the Alpine V 
were different, with
the Tiger disc being thicker but slightly smaller in diameterthan those 
on the Alpine.

Are these just ordinary variations in manufactured parts of is there 
some other


TAC 864
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