[Tigers] Tiger clocks

Andy Walker awtiger at cox.net
Sun Jul 12 15:33:27 MDT 2015

Hey, guys:


I've got a 12V draw on my battery at all times that I have determined is
coming from my original-style clock in the dash of my Tiger.  When I unplug
the clock, the draw goes away.  My question is this.are these clocks the old
"repel and tick down" style (where the points repel each other and swing
away, thus winding the clock and letting it keep time on the spring, until
the process happens all over again), or do they need 12 volts to the motor
all the time to keep running?  I'm trying to determine if the 12V draw I
have from the clock is what is supposed to happen.



Andy Walker

Edmond, OK

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