[Tigers] Looking for a Tiger

Ronak, T.P. (Timothy) Timothy.Ronak at akzonobel.com
Fri Feb 13 09:03:59 MST 2015

Listers I am hoping to find a Tiger again ... but not interested in a $50,000
trailer queen
If one shows up sub $20,000 I would love a crack at another one.
I saw the Craigs list one in Bloomington but my suspicion is that it will be
gone already

Tim Ronak
Senior Services Consultant Services Group
AkzoNobel Automotive and Aerospace Coatings NA
Cell  (949) 289-3357
Email  timothy.ronak at akzonobel.com<mailto:timothy.ronak at akzonobel.com>
Mailing Address
23961 Via El Rocio
Mission Viejo, CA   92691

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