[Tigers] Check this car out: is it for real?

Randall Antosiak randya at pacbell.net
Thu Feb 12 16:20:16 MST 2015

First of all, its an Alger.  Once you get some more pics, the dead give away is the battery under the rear seat, and the bulkhead mounted rear tire.   

Second, it is not for real.  This scammer has been advertising the car in Boston, Orlando, etc.  When you contact the owner, you will find that they claim to be a Susan Reynolds, age 65, of Chapin SC.   Email contact only, no phone calls.  If you express interest in the car, then they will claim that you cannot inspect ahead time.  They will ship the car to you, and you can return it if you con't like it.  You pay via Google wallet, whatever that is.

- Randy

On Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:41 PM, Dave via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net> wrote:


If so, who will get there first! Or is it a clone Anyone on this list know
this car?


tigers at autox.team.net

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