[Tigers] Original fuel line

Jim McLaughlin jimmc13 at socket.net
Mon Feb 9 10:02:59 MST 2015


I bought a set of brake and fuel lines from Classic Tube.  The stainless
version was very well suited to my 1966 Mark 1a.  I did not use the engine
pieces as I have a modified 260, cam with 4 bbl carb etc.  Let me check to
see if I have the 2 pieces for the fuel line.  Brake lines fit very well
front to rear and across the front member.  I have wildwood fronts though
and could not use everything.  I will try to reply today to tomorrow
afternoon CST.

Jim McLaughlin
B382000175 LRXFE

-----Original Message-----
From: Tigers [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of awtiger---
via Tigers
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 8:57 AM
To: rfraser at bluefrog.com
Cc: tigers at autox.team.net
Subject: [Tigers] Original fuel line

Hey, guys:

Do any of you guys who have modded their fuel systems over the years have
original fuel lines that you would like to get rid of?  All I'm really
interested in are the two lines in the engine compartment, both upper and
lower lines.  Please let me know if you have a set that you would like to

Failing that, has anyone on the list ever dealt with Classic Tube out of New
York?  I believe someone mentioned them in an earlier discussion and I have
looked on their website.  They do have a fuel line kit available for a
Tiger, although it's everything from the crossover tube forward, most of
which I don't need.  My main concern is that I want fuel lines that at least
look correct in configuration.  Has anyone had direct experience with them
and is their product worthy of calling "correct original replacements?"

Thanks much,
Andy Walker
Edmond, OK  

tigers at autox.team.net

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