[Tigers] Fuel line brackets

Ron Fraser rfraser at bluefrog.com
Sun Feb 8 13:13:13 MST 2015

I've sent this a couple of times but I have not seen it back to me.

Apologies if this note has reached the List.  I just want to include
everyone in this discussion.
Ron Fraser


This is all part of the investigation. The C30Z-A bracket is listed in the
Parts List for the Mk I and the MK II part list indicates a 6100909 bracket
which is a Rootes # for a Ford part. NPD shows a different bracket for 1965
and 1966.

This bracket would have to moved to somewhere on the timing cover some how.
I don't recall ever seeing one. A bracket at the front of the engine would
add stability to the fuel line.

So the questions are:

How did Rootes repurpose the Ford fuel line bracket?

Does any Mk I owner have the C3OZ-A fuel line bracket on the front of their
engine? Where is it mounted?

Does anyone have a Ford with an original C3OZ-A bracket?

I would like to see a picture and some measurement of the part.

Does any Mk II owner have a fuel line bracket at the front of their engine?
Which bracket is it and where is it mounted? I'd like to see a picture of
that bracket too.


Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----

From: Gary [ <mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net>
mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net]

Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 6:38 PM

To: <rfraser at bluefrog.com>

Cc: <tigers at autox.team.net>

Subject: Re: [Tigers] Fuel line Brackets



>From that photo, the NPD part looks like a

pretty good repro. Your shop note(?) is from

1963. The part was probably put into production for all cars after that. In
my "How to Rebuild Your Small Block Ford" book by Monroe there are several
good pictures of Ford engines with the part including at least a 2bbl 289
and a Hipo. It looks mounted at the top center under the water pump bolt
just like your photo. Wouldn't be on any Tiger since our line comes up way
over on the passenger side.



Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 6, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Ron Fraser <rfraser at bluefrog.com> wrote:

> Gary

 The bracket at the front right side of the engine is a very simple bracket.
An angle bracket with 2 holes, an "R" clip for the fuel line  with screws
and washers plus a 7/16" UNC bolt for the side of the  block.

 The C3OZ-A is a totally different bracket. I have never seen one on a Tiger
engine; that's the reason for some investigation. I believe  this one would
be mounted to the timing cover but I don't know for  sure. Yes, the NPD part
looks like it could hold 2 lines - the  original C3OZ-A only 1 line.

 Ron Fraser

-----Original Message-----

> From: Gary Winblad [ <mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net>
mailto:garywinblad at comcast.net]Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 12:01 PM To:
rfraser at bluefrog.com Cc: tigers at autox.team.net Subject: Re: [Tigers] Fuel
line Brackets


 That NPD bracket would definitely be functionally the same as the front
bracket on my Tigers. L bracket and pipe clamp in ONE piece. On MKI  Tigers
it bolts to an un-used boss on the block, low on the front  right(passenger)
side. The NPD bracket is cosmetically wrong though..  looks like a cheap
repro.. and why would it need to hold two lines on  an early engine? Gary

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Ron Fraser via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>

> To: tigers at autox.team.net

> Sent: Fri, 06 Feb 2015 16:27:26 -0000 (UTC)

> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Fuel line Brackets


> I see a little confusion in my words. The C3OZ-A bracket was mounted under
a water pump bolt on standard Ford engines. This bracket was mounted
somewhere at the front right on the Tiger engines probably a timing cover
bolt. I'm just trying to confirm the brackets and their location on the
front of the Tiger engines.

 Ron Fraser


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Tigers [ <mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net>
mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Ron

> Fraser via Tigers

> Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 10:53 AM

> To: tigers at autox.team.net

> Subject: [Tigers] Fuel line Brackets

 There has been a discussion about the fuel line brackets for the Tiger
engines. Parts List indicates 3 brackets mounted to the Tiger engines.

 @ the rear of the engine

 1224792 Plate - Pipe carrier

 9116027 Grommet Mk I

 9176015 Grommet Mk II

 @ the right side front corner of the block

 1224791 Angle - Pipe clip support Superseded by 1229865

 1229865 Angle

 @ the front of the engine

 6100292 C3OZ-9180-A Mk I

 6100909 Mk II

> National Parts Depot lists 3 different fuel line brackets.

> Bob Mannel confirmed that # 9180-0A is a reproduction of the C3OZ-A part.
This part was mounted under one of the water pump bolts and  painted satin
black with the engine; the clip and screw were natural  color. I don't know
if painted is correct for the Tiger engine.

 NPD part #9180-1A is the 1965 bracket and #9180-1B is the 1966 bracket.

 Anyone have an original fuel line bracket mounted to the front of their

 Which bolt is it under?

Which style bracket was used on the Mk II engine?

Ron Fraser

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