[Tigers] MkII Headlight Rims

Jay Laifman jay.laifman at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 09:51:02 MST 2015

FWIW, the original design of the car by Howes hand smooth, non-peaked
headlight rims. Picture:

It was the Rootes family that wanted it to look more American that changed
it.  Personally, my first car was a very late SV which came with
non-peaked.  I liked them, but really liked them when I put them on my S3.
Pictures attached.

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 8:24 AM, Tod Brown via Tigers <tigers at autox.team.net>

> I have noticed that all of the MkII Tigers I have seen recently have had
> the rounded
> headlight rims as opposed to the peaked rims used on the MkI & MkIA
> models. However,
> many years ago, back in the 1970's, I owned a MkII for a short while that
> had peaked
> rims. Was this another case of Jensen using whatever was on the shelf that
> day when
> the car was being built or was there a definite changeover date when they
> went from
> peaked to rounded rims. Or were they all rounded as delivered?
> The particular MkII that I owned was B3821000139 LRXFE and was red. It
> came to me
> as a wreck as the former owner had tried to operate it in an inverted
> position. As Dylan
> said, "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now" so I proceeded
> to part the
> car out and the pieces are scattered over Tiger-land now. I still have the
> headlight rims
> and a few other odd pieces but nothing worth much any more (before you all
> write to
> ask about the side and wheel trim, much to my chagrin). Norm was informed
> of its
> ultimate demise long ago, so it will not appear as an Alger, hopefully.
> Anyway, it seems that, at least from this one example, peaked rims on a
> MkII are
> acceptable, so I am wondering if anyone else knows of other examples.
> Cheers,
> Tod
> B382002384 LRXFE
> TAC 864
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